Dear Foregen Supporters,

This month we start with some sadder news for the intactivist community: if you hadn’t heard about the story yet, attorney Marc Etienne Angelucci, who had served as a Board Member for Attorneys for the Rights of the Child (ARC) was murdered outside his home earlier this month on July 11th. ARC is an organization whose mission is “to secure equal protection for, and broaden public and legal recognition of, children’s legal and human rights to bodily integrity and self-determination that are violated by unnecessary genital cutting of male, female and intersex children.” His role in defending these rights will be remembered and is a loss for the whole movement.

Our Chief Science Officer, Eric J. Cunningham, posted an overview of Foregen’s animal trials phase which discusses what aspects we will be analyzing and observing during the course of these experiments, as well as the ethics surrounding research conducted with an animal model. We will likely have more details to share with you by September. Cunningham’s post is available to read here.

Foregen is happy to announce the inclusion of our newest intern, Mason Michalec. Mason has notable international experience and is finishing his bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at the University of Debrecen in Hungary. His primary goal is to utilize his skills to increase public attention and knowledge of Foregen by further developing the company's digital presence, especially the website.

Oscar Perez, recently appointed as Director of Digital Development and IT, has been busy making continued refinements on Foregen’s site, including a revamped roadmap section on the website’s home and research pages that follows the design of other sections on the site. We are also working with Elena, our Communication Adviser, to refine the written content and how the information and message are conveyed.

Also of note is a new donor rewards program that we are working on - we have laid out hard objectives for what we would like provide, but it will take some time to put the proper systems in place and have the rewards program live. We’re very excited to initiate this new and improved rewards program for our donors, and we’ll keep updates posted along the way.

As previously mentioned, we have a number of translations in the works to help us reach a broader, international audience. We would like to thank several supporters, including those from the Forefront community for helping us with this project, including Tyler Austin for his help in managing translators.

We have raised $9,856 for July through all of your continued contributions. This brings us to $617,900 overall, and we are always motivated by people who sign up as new donors and become a part of supporter base making the project possible. With our continued work and the planned rewards program, we look forward to bringing in even more donors and supporters in the future.

We hope everyone is staying safe out there!


Tyler J. Drozd

Chief Operations Officer