The surgery And its consequences



What Is Circumcision?

Circumcision is a surgical procedure in which the foreskin is permanently removed from the head, or glans, of the penis. All four specialized structures of the foreskin are removed; the purposes they serve are lost. That means the outer and inner layers of the foreskin, the frenulum, and the ridged band are permanently cut away. The procedure is typically performed on newborns but may also be performed on older children and consenting adults for personal or religious reasons. Circumcision is not medically necessary.

An image of a doctor with a long Pinoccio nose, describing the medical lies of purported circumcision benefits

How Is Circumcision Performed?

In the most common procedure, the foreskin is opened, natural adhesions are removed in the case of infants and young children, and the foreskin is separated from the glans. After that, a circumcision device may be placed, and then the foreskin is cut off. The frenulum, which is highly sensitive, is often partially or fully removed in circumcision. The surgery is often performed without pain medication. It is important to note that the foreskin does not naturally retract from the head of the penis until around 6 years of age up to the onset of puberty and sometimes after. This makes opening the foreskin and removal of adhesions more invasive.

Types of Circumcision Procedures

Three common methods of circumcision are the Gomco clamp, the Plastibell device, and the Mogen clamp. All three pinch the foreskin to cut off circulation and prevent bleeding while the doctor cuts the foreskin. The surgery lasts 15-30 minutes. Specifically, the Gomco Clamps works by inserting a a hollow bell portion on top of the exposed glans. The foreskin is rolled over the bell, and is severed by clamping it between the exterior portion of the device and the bell beneath the foreskin.

A man shrieking in pain

What Do Infants Experience
During Circumcision?

With a high density of nerve endings, the foreskin is among the most sensitive parts of the body. Circumcision is extraordinarily painful. Scientists have measured physiological changes in newborn infants who have been subjected to this surgery. During circumcision, newborn boys have sharply increased breathing rates, crying, blood pressure, and stress hormones. Post-circumcision babies routinely exhibit signs of post-traumatic stress including decreased appetite, disrupted breastfeeding, disinclination to interact with mothers and caretakers, altered sleep patterns, and diminished REM sleep.

What is the long term loss resulting from circumcision?

A scale, depicting the pros and cons of circumcision

Do The Benefits Outweigh The Losses?

Both short and long term complications result from circumcision. At the same time, there are known natural functions and benefits of the foreskin. Both beg the question—are there any potential benefits of circumcision that justify this permanent loss? Read further in the Discussion Page and decide for yourself.
What about ethics and the child’s right to bodily integrity? The child’s ability to give consent? The harms and risks of any surgical procedure must not outweigh the potential benefits. Has the medical community normalized circumcision, and does it present sufficient information to make an informed decision?

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  • [1] A Circumcised penis is actually markedly less hygienic as feces  and urine will come in contact with the glans during infancy. The  foreskin is there to protect this delicate structure from these and  other contaminants.

  • [2] One may deem breast tissue and foreskin tissue a false  equivalency. The relative importance of the tissue and scarring imposed  is relative to the individual and cannot be ascertained as a neonate.  The simple fact that adult men and women do not volunteer for  circumcisions or mastectomies in large numbers respectively speaks  volumes for the future preferences of your child.

  • [3] These studies of course receive no media attention.

  • [4] We also have the highest rate of sexual violence.

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