Dear Foregen supporters,

Thanks to your continuing support, we've made more progress and are excited to share with you some highlights from May:

Clinical Research Manager

We are pleased to announce we have hired a Clinical Research Manager! This research manager will be helping coordinate the various talent and processes involved in making our research project a success. She will play a critical role in bringing together our partners, carrying out preparations for human clinical trials, including selecting a facility, applying for ethics approval, and more. She brings international experience in clinical research management and a track record of success that is pivotal for Foregen’s efficient progress. We anticipate that our research will progress more efficiently because of this hiring. More details will be forthcoming.

Sheep Trials: Four New Surgeries

Four tissue samples have been ordered from our new supplier, which will be used on four sheep. We anticipate that this will be our final round of surgeries for animal trials! In addition, we have modified our decellularization process to ensure optimal results. Following this last round of procedures, an histology study will be conducted on the re-cellularized ECMs. Then the results will be collated and published in a reputable scientific journal.

Histology Study

HistologiX has completed the assay optimization stage of their histology study. A detailed report was published on our website. We anticipate that tissue samples will be acquired soon that will allow them to complete the study. Once they receive it, the complete study should take approximately three months to finish.


Thanks to our incredibly generous and supportive community, Foregen raised a total of $16,790 in May! These funds enable us to secure laboratory space, materials, and staff necessary for our research. We are deeply grateful for your support.

Your continued support can make a significant difference. Please join us in developing the world’s first regenerative medicine solution for circumcised men!


Ryan Jones

Chief Operations Officer